Wednesday, 11 February 2009

CR - UK - on the TV

There is a prgramme on 17 February BBC1 at 10.35pm - it is part of series with Michael Mosley and this episode is about life extension. He will be including CR. I have seen his programmes before so I am pretty sure he will conclude that CR works but is hard for the average person to follow. (Of course I have always known that CRers are a pretty special bunch of people) He is a very good presenter and I am sure the programme will result in increased interest.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Keeping my feet

The last thing I want is a fall on slippery pavements, where the recent snowfall has been trampled into a slick shiny surface. So I take fairly elaborate precautions. I don't go out unless I really need to. (One of the many luxuries of retirement!) If I do, I dress in lots of layers including a quilted coat, and I also wear hiking boots, heavy, tough and waterproof, with ridged soles. I have also bought a hiking pole for extra security. And of course I avoid walking on the ice where possible even if it means taking a bit of a circuitous route around patches.