Sunday, 13 April 2008

Sweet little 60

It seems so long since I wrote, but life has been incredibly busy just recently and I always like to give my blogs some real thought before I write. The reason for my hectic activity is that I am now officially a lady of leisure - retired - and this, as far as I can see means that I am catching up on all the stuff I didn't have time for before, and am now busier than ever! Hopefully CRON will keep me fit and active as long as possible to enjoy all the time I have left. Will write more later. Must dash!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008


Response from the manufacturers about V8 ' . . . we received your message and appreciate your taking the time to contact Campbell Soup Company about our V8 Vegetable Juice.

Unfortunately, Campbell Soup Company does not analyze the Potassium and/or Vitamin E content in our products if we do not add them. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you for visiting the V8 Juice website.

V8 Juice Web Team

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


I thought I would do some guesswork on the 100% natural unfortified V8 using Cron-o-meter. I know from the pack it is 87% tomatoes, and the rest of the ingredients are always listed on packs in order of amount so I have assumed that the carrots are 5%, celery and beetroot 2% each and the rest 1% each.

This gives a calorie content per 100ml serving of 19.7 which is not far off what the pack suggests – about 20 cals.

120 calories worth of this product supply 32% of my RDA of potassium, 14% zinc, and 22% vitamin E, and impressive amounts of B vitamins. Not a superstar but still pretty good. As well as a drink (and its very good in hot weather with lots of ice) it is a good base for sauces and soups.


I want to retract the figures I just posted for V8 - the vitamin content I used which I saw on the internet, related to a variety which I didn't even know existed - probably not available in the UK, and which is fortified. (Thanks, Artemis for pointing this out) I wouldn't use a vitamin E fortified product. To the manufacturers Vitamin E = alpha tocopherol only while real food contains mixed tocopherols. So I am going to write to the manufacturers as I am keen to find out the natural vitamin E and potassium content of the 100% unfortified juice. I still think it is a handy product to have - plenty of lycopene, 8mg per 100ml and only 19 calories. The juices are tomato (87%) carrot celery, beetroot, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach. Pretty good and one way of getting more veg when my little tum can't cope with a huge plateful.