Tuesday, 1 April 2008


I want to retract the figures I just posted for V8 - the vitamin content I used which I saw on the internet, related to a variety which I didn't even know existed - probably not available in the UK, and which is fortified. (Thanks, Artemis for pointing this out) I wouldn't use a vitamin E fortified product. To the manufacturers Vitamin E = alpha tocopherol only while real food contains mixed tocopherols. So I am going to write to the manufacturers as I am keen to find out the natural vitamin E and potassium content of the 100% unfortified juice. I still think it is a handy product to have - plenty of lycopene, 8mg per 100ml and only 19 calories. The juices are tomato (87%) carrot celery, beetroot, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach. Pretty good and one way of getting more veg when my little tum can't cope with a huge plateful.

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