Monday, 18 February 2008


Funny how this CRON business grows on you. Following my New Year resolution to monitor my nutrition better and identify the foods that work best for me, my meals, at least the ones I make for myself alone, have become odder but I have been getting to really like them. I call them my freaky-deaky CRON meals. Even the ones I make for myself and the other half are good healthful CR friendly meals but they look more normal! Yesterday, as I went to work with my boxed salad, tuna, almonds, yogurt and blueberries, I was thinking only of the meal I was going to cook that evening. Lots of steamed kale as a base – then lots of pumpkin on top – what next? One the way home I mentally added cherry tomatoes, and by the time I thought of hot sauce I was drooling with anticipation. Not hunger – anticipation of the delight that was to come. At home, a quick rummage in the vegetable drawer produced an organic leek, and that went into the tower too. Dessert was my fortified skim milk yogurt and strawberries.

I know a lot of people in the CR society don’t approve of juicing or smoothies, on the grounds that whole fruit and veg are better and I do understand this point of view, but for those of us with little tums, especially if gas is an issue, vegetable smoothies, as Kay rightly pointed out, are a good way of adding nutrients without exploding. My liquidiser is currently on the blink and needs replacing, but in the meantime I am glugging V8 vegetable juice which has an impressive nutrient profile and really helps me get my minerals and vits from food rather than rely on supplements.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad that some vege drinks are helpful for you. I think that you will find the green smoothies remain fairly low in calories though very high in nutrients. I still like to add one half of an apple or banana and some agave nectar for flavor. This small calorie boost is worth it because it seems to keep me full for a long time. Very yummy too!

Typically vege/fruit food combining can be problematic for some people but I haven't noticed a problem with the raw smoothies.


Linda said...

I am looking forward to experimenting with this. I am delaying getting a new blender until I go to the Ideal Home Show in a few weeks as I want to see what is available, and then I go seriously green!