Sunday, 24 February 2008

Wet, wet, wet

As anticipated the mixture was too damp. The pancake idea worked well, we had it with soup for lunch, but the bread was too puddingy. However I have a few new ideas for the next iteration and will report back when I have perfected the recipe. Umm - vegetable pudding anyone? It's yummy - no honest, it is - (sigh).


Gypsy Girl said...

Hi just discovered your blog and have been readin all the back posts! I am just finding my way around CRON (four months) and looking at CRON blogs.
I am having a hard time disciplining myself to use the Cron-o-meter.
I cook everything from scratch and don't measure...have to change that.
But how does one get say a homemade vegetable soup to work on Cron-o-meter? Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

Linda said...

Hi there! One of the fun things you can do on Cron-o-meter is to create recipes. Click on 'food' and then 'create recipe' and then input your ingredients. Then save it giving it a name. You could also record the weight of the whole recipe, so it might be 'tomato soup, 1000g' for the total amount, then when you serve it out, you can input a single portion. Hope this helps.

Gypsy Girl said...

Thanks!! I will try it. I have to discipline myself to learn how to use the Cron-o-meter. I have been writing everything down in a notebook and looking up all the calories and nutrients, etc in my calorie counter book. I am sure that it will be a lot less time with Cron-o-meter...I just hate learning new stuff

Linda said...

Once you get into using it you will love playing with it. It is quite fun to enter in stuff that you might want to eat and then see what it says! I get quite a lot of surprises, discovering that certain foods are either more or less nutritious than I expected. And I constantly tweak recipes to improve them - you can amend recipes and then re-name them.